Tim, Nick and I have been eager to send out a newsletter to let you know what we have been doing on your behalf but in light of the Covid restrictions we have adhered to the rules and have not delivered any leaflets. This is why we have used social media to keep in contact as much as we can.
Yes, I know, my constant cry at Council meetings is how do we engage with those who do not do social media, have computers etc but at this time it is about as much as we can do. We do rely on you, our residents, to keep us informed of any problems or concerns you are experiencing. However as restrictions will be lifted shortly please look out for our newsletter in the coming weeks.
There are several things I want to mention.

- Community Food Hub I would like to pay tribute to everybody who helped out during lockdown, especially Katie Travers, her family and team for their hard work in establishing and manning the Community Food Hub. Well done to all of you and what you have achieved. As Katie said at the weekend this has now closed and I would therefore like to ask you as residents if you think we should establish a food bank in Beddington North Ward. If you do please respond to my facebook post in the comments section. Depending on the majority view I will then look into how to go about setting one up and the most important question – where?
- Parking Consultation – we urge you all to look at the maps and put your thoughts to the Council, again I am afraid via the Sutton Council’s website or write to Parking Strategy, Highways and Transport, London Borough of Sutton, 24 Denmark, Road, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 2JG. If you go on the Council’s website put in Parking Strategy and look at area 3 and respond where indicated at the bottom of the page.

I know in parts of the ward there are serious issues with the amount and length of proposed double yellow lines. These double yellow lines will obviously see the removal of a large number of parking spaces so please put in your fourpence, as the saying goes. I can confirm that I have heard from the Highways Officers that no-one can park on a double yellow line at any time, not even if it goes over the dropped kerb in front of their property. You will be ticketed. However if there is a single yellow line over a dropped kerb you can park over the dropped kerb in front of your property once it is outside the time restrictions. I can also confirm that residents of the property with a dropped kerb and no yellow lines can park over their own driveways.
The closing date for consultations is 18th March – please make Beddington North the busiest response page of the whole Borough!
- Beddington Park Conservation Area Consultation. Again, this can be found on the Council’s website and, as I understand it from Officers, residents affected by this have received letters. The areas involved are Beddington Park, Carew Manor and Church Lane, please make sure you have your say. The consultation webpage can found at www.sutton.gov.uk/heritage or sutton.citizenspace.com. Views can also be sent to planningpolicy@sutton.gov.uk or in writing to Strategic Planning Environment, Housing and Regeneration 24 Denmark Road Carshalton SM5 4JG. Consultation ends on 25 March 2021.
- Sustainable Transport Strategy: To quote “a strategy focused upon providing more opportunities for local residents to walk, cycle and use public transport as their preferred options for journeys, within and beyond the Borough”. The consultation webpage can be visited at www.sutton.gov.uk/drafsts. A questionnaire can be completed on Citizenspace or you can send your views to planningpolicy@sutton.gov.uk or write to Strategic Planning Environment, Housing and Regeneration, 24 Denmark Road, Carshalton SM5 4JG. Consultation ends on 25 March 2021

I sit on the Environment and Sustainable Transport Committee (previously known as Environment and Neighbourhood Committee). I am sorry that the word “neighbourhood” has been dropped as in my opinion neighbourhood and neighbourliness are such an important part of life. The recent meetings have been very difficult because of the lack of consultation on the implementation of low traffic neighbourhoods and safer school streets. These have now been removed until proper consultation can be undertaken with residents. I suggested that a cross party group be formed to decide on the questions that should be included in the consultation. This suggestion does not seem to have found favour with Cllr Abellan, the Chair of the E&ST Committee (why am I not surprised) but wouldn’t it be great if it did.
Finally, the month of May will be the third anniversary of Tim Foster, Nick Mattey and me being elected to serve the residents of Beddington North ward as their Independent Councillors. It has been an interesting three years, sitting on committees and listening to the political wrangling that goes on.
Why is it that Councillors cannot put aside party politics and all work together for the good of the Borough?
I know why because for some it is political ambition, for others a way of supplementing an income and for some, like us, it is a way of giving something back to the community they serve. So residents of Beddington North for the coming 14 months or so we will continue to fight your corner, and hope, with your support, to continue serving after May 2022.
Best wishes to you all Jillian