The more observant of you may have spotted in the local Guardian (Sutton and Croydon editions) a notice about the Richmond Green Highway / Footpaths.
I spotted it and was frankly confused so, at the end of a meeting with London Borough of Sutton Officers – the Strategic Director of Housing & Regeneration; the Assistant Director of Housing & Regeneration and the Head of Planning – I asked for an explanation. They were unable to provide clarity and so promised to revert to me.
I received a note today that I will abbreviate to simple language – the old footpath, that ran along the front of the bungalows and that has been unusable since the hoardings were raised around the building site, is planned to be officially de-designated as a footpath/highway and an alternate routing is proposed. This is illustrated on the following drawings and if you have any objections then you need to address them in writing to the South London Legal Partnership, Gifford House, 67c St Helier Avenue, Morden, SM4 6HY (quoting reference Ref: VF1219/1236/JRQ).
If you have any questions, please email