Less austerity, peace on earth and love for one another – I hope – but as we approach Christmas and the New Year I thought I would write a blog to round off the year.

Nick, Tim and I were so grateful that the wonderful residents of Beddington re-elected us to represent them with the London Borough of Sutton – we thank you for giving us your trust. Our strapline “Residents first, always” is as relevant now as it has ever been – with the undemocratic actions of the Administration in Sutton, probably more so.
What have we been up to since re-election in May 2022? Well, we have continued to challenge the proposed building of a new SEN school on the small Sheen Way Playing Field. The sticking point for the last 18 months has been the construction logistics plan which lays out the plans to bring a 12 metre articulated trailer plus a lorry cab around the narrow corners of the High View Estate.

At the start of all this in 2018 it was suggested that a “trial run” would be done but the Project Manager from the Department for Education has recently confirmed categorically that they will not do this.
They are all relying on something called a swept path analyses – computer generated plans – but as has recently been the case at the Stafford Road/Sandy Lane South traffic lights these analyses are not always correct. We are very concerned about this and are trying to establish a web of responsibility. If something goes wrong we will know who to hold to account.
The people of the Highview Estate cannot be accused of nimbyism – just look at it from the children’s point of view. They will be moved from a beautiful 33 hectare site with green spaces and trees (good for soaking up CO2 which emits from the incinerator). They can improve their life skills by using the cafe in the park, walk safely to Hackbridge railway station or Croydon Road for buses, to access public transport and use the park for nature studies and recreation.
There will be no cafe nearby unless they walk the Stafford Road to Morrisons and they will have to cross the Fiveways junction to walk to Waddon station.

The roads to access the High View Estate are always busy, Croydon Road/Plough Lane/Stafford Road are frequently jammed and the school travel plan has yet to be submitted. Journeys for the mini buses will take longer, that is inevitable.

The site of the proposed new school will have very little room for an allotment as they have now, there is certainly going to be no room for car boot sales and the area will definitely not take car parking should there be a Christmas Fayre held on the premises. If the school wishes to have a car boot sale as they do now they will have to pay to hire Beddington Park like every organisation does. These special needs children deserve a new school in an area not surrounded by industrial estate, houses and a railway line (14 trains an hour).
The Sheen Way Playing Field has been recognised by the London Borough of Sutton as a surface water flood plain and residents are rightly concerned that concreting over it will increase their risks of flooding. Every document I have read about this in relation to the school says the school building will be protected but what about residents? Flood enough, and you can’t get flood insurance so who will pay to protect them?

On another tack I have served on the Conservation Access Management Committee for the last four years. It is this committee that is tasked with working with Viridor and others to complete the Beddington Farmlands Nature Reserve. I was re-elected to serve on the Committee at the AGM in July 2022.
Imagine my surprise when, via a third party, I learned that Sutton Council through its Committee Services Department have chucked me off so they can bring in a Councillor from the ruling Liberal Democrats who does not live in the ward and has no connection with residents or their views.
Since being elected in 2018, I have never treated anyone I come into contact with – Residents, Councillors or Officers – disrespectfully and I do not expect them to treat me any differently.
I wish to stress here and now that Tim Foster as Chair of the CAMC continues to hold those who appear to be delaying the process accountable. It has been an honour to serve alongside Tim as well as local residents and others as a Councillor on the CAMC and if the Restoration is not complete by 31st December 2023 it will not be down to that Committee but rather a lack of commitment by some major players – after all the CAMC was established in 2013 what actually happened in the first 5 years?
Other aspects of my work as a Councillor include dealing with residents’ problems and trying to get satisfactory solutions for them. This is my bread and butter work which I take seriously and I hope residents recognise that I always do my best.
If anyone is worrying about the cost of living crisis and heating their homes there is a lot of information on the Sutton Council website. If you can’t access this please contact me :
Email me: jillian.green@sutton.gov.uk ,
Message through Facebook
Or call me on 020 8770 4978.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.