It is sometimes hard to believe that those of us who live North of the Croydon Road in this ward get even a passing thought from the decision makers in the London Borough of Sutton.
We have some old chestnuts that just won’t go away, current concerns that we all need to consider and some future plans that we, as residents, need to make our voices hear about.
Pedestrian Safety in Beddington Lane:
The Beddington lane “Improvement Scheme” has included within its plans, the removal of the Traffic Light Controlled Pelican Crossings near Guy Road and Derry Road.
The plan is to replace these two crossings with Zebra Crossings – the Guy Road Crossing is already complete. And irrespective of the fact that the Derry Road Crossing is signed as a main path to Richmond Road, Waddon and Croydon and is busy at school times with Mums, children and pushchairs, we are told that it will still be safe. An additional Zebra Crossing is to be sited close to
Richmond Road opposite the Village Hall and a Traffic Light Controlled crossing put at the junction of Harrington Close for the benefit of the new cycleways. Your local Councillors are on record with their objections, please make your own opinions heard as well.
Industrial Development in Beddington Lane:
We live next to an industrial area and we welcome the investment and jobs that industry can bring. But the London Borough of Sutton has a responsibility for the health and welfare of residents as well as functioning transport links. BUT THEY HAVE NO CLEAR STRATEGY
They have sanctioned the building of an incinerator, instead of the promised Country Park, that will pump out pollution as will the hundreds of heavy lorries that will feed it with waste from the four Boroughs who make up the South London Waste Partnership and beyond. So confident of they of the air quality that their Air Quality Report for new Hackbridge Primary School failed to mention the incinerator less that 1km away – 25 years of HGV traffic just adds to the congestion and the poor air quality.
Then you have SUEZ – another French waste company who want to build a unit that will produce fuel for incinerators from waste. They expect nearly 700 vehicles a day to pour onto Beddington Lane – many 44 tonne lorries.
And finally, there was the Local Plan that saw Metropolitan Open Land “re-designated” for industrial use and Prologis, the warehouse people wanting to build a huge warehouse – and of course create more heavy traffic.
There is a public exhibition on the Prologis plans at Cricket for Change, Plough Lane SM6 8JQ on 6th October from 4.00pm – 8.00pm make sure you have your say!
“One Planet Sutton” – a fairer, greener and safer borough – except for Beddington, North of the Croydon Road!