
It seems that it is all about the money – part II

There was a meeting on Monday evening about the administration of the electoral processes run for the benefit of candidates and agents.  Good to see that there were five Independent candidates – three for Beddington North – and there were also candidates from Greens and UKIP but the major parties were represented only by agents – you can understand why the front page of the main party websites all ask for donations to pay for their own infrastructure – we Independents rely on hard work and enthusiasm, but then as simple residents, it is a little hard to understand the l nature of the main parties’ approach to simple economics.

My route last night took me past the empty structure of the Charles Cryer theatre – empty as the Liberal Democrats seek “commercial rent” leaving the Borough a cultural desert, the more so as they plan to demolish Wallington Hall to build more flats.  So why do they allow the charity EcoLocal to take the Lodge in Carshalton at a discounted rate – of course Tom Brake’s patronage of the charity may have something to do with it but you either drive a “commercial” policy or you don’t.

But then you read the recent Conservative newspaper sized leaflet which headlines the offer to give residents a refund if their bins are not collected.  Look further down the page in the right- hand column and the same paper criticises the incumbent party of spending a huge amount on a computer system for monitoring waste collection and the continued weekly expenditure because the systems are not properly recording failure.  So, if you don’t know the size of the problem and people cannot properly report the failure to collect bins, how on earth do you make the promise to refund money?

And the promise is not out of council coffers but those of the contractor – dangerous when you have not clearly established breach of contract.  But, like my student son and friends duped by promises about Student Loans made by another party at the General Election, we are all of us familiar with election promises!

Then there are the multiple limited companies established by the current administration – “start-ups” in business parlance – who have borrowed eye watering sums of money to “invest” in property. The reputed £30 million in Oxford on an office building is a monumental commitment and not sure how that compares with the £7.39 million spent on buying residential property locally.  I cannot think of any circumstance where a start-up company could take this level of commercial risk – but then it is us, the residents, who are taking the risk.

Any surprise that this authority has appeared so often in Private Eye’s “Rotten Boroughs”?

We know the constraints put on local authorities by Central Government – nothing new there, whatever the political colour – remember the Liberal Democrats were part of the Coalition who introduced austerity because the outgoing Labour Government had left little option.

Every political party has a portion of responsibility – it is we residents who have to cut our cloth.

Fat cat salaries at the executive level, over generous allowances to Councillors all need review but most especially a close look at the assets this wonderful Borough has and make the most of them on behalf of the residents, not some notional balance sheet or pursuit of political dogma

The most important asset isn’t, in fact, the bricks and mortar, it is the people and as an Independent candidate, I say cut the promises, cut the politics and let’s work together to make a Borough we can all be proud of.


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